Tuesday, October 5, 2010

That Time of Year

It's fall.  The time of year for school and sports pictures!

I decided that I was going to do the kids' school pictures myself..and have a little fun in the process.  This is a heavy post photo wise so grab a drink, a snack, dig in and enjoy! 

I know how parents feel when you are faced with a ton of pictures and need to choose only a few as favorites.  Even when I'm the one taking the pictures I have a heck of a time picking which ones I like best.

Little A and I had a great time and great weather, tomorrow I'm hoping to have time to get Big Sister A's done when she's out of school for the day before I have to go to work...then at some point I have to get their sports pictures done. 

Whew.  I really hope you made it through all that.  Some of them were posed..others were just us having fun..and yes, I'm aware of the lighting issues with the soccer goal ones but she HAD to have her pictures taken on HER soccer field.

I hope you enjoyed them!

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